Cost-benefit analysis of AI technology investments in Finance

Explore how AI technology investments in finance deliver ROI beyond efficiency—boosting agility, competitiveness, and long-term business success.

Return on investment (ROI) is critical in technology investment decision-making. It is primarily quantified by setting the total cost of ownership in relation to cost savings and improved business outcomes measured in $ resulting from efficiencies and where quantifiable increased effectiveness. The calculation of these metrics results in a clear business case that models time … Read more

The Challenges and Opportunities of Joint Interest Billing in Oil & Gas 

Learn how oil and gas companies use joint interest billing, current inefficiencies, and how AI can improve accuracy and efficiency in this complex process.

Joint Interest Billing (JIB) is fundamental yet complex for financial management in the oil and gas industry. At its core, JIB allows multiple stakeholders—often involved in high-stakes projects such as exploration and production—to share expenses and revenues based on their ownership stakes in a joint venture. This billing practice ensures fair cost distribution but also … Read more