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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam mollis ligula eget arcu egestas sodales. Aliquam ante erat, rhoncus quis lacus at, laoreet vestibulum magna.”
Nicole Girouard
As the Chief Executive Officer of MindBridge, Stephen leads the strategic direction and development of the company. With more than 30 years in the technology industry, Stephen has been the CEO at several influential start-ups, such as Cobalt Networks (which went public and was later acquired by Sun), Azul Systems, WorkMarket (acquired by ADP), and most recently, CloudBees. Additionally, he has held senior executive positions at major global technology companies, including HP, Cisco, Symantec, Sun Microsystems, and Automation Anywhere. Stephen has worked extensively in Canada and lived in Ontario and BC for years. Stephen holds an undergraduate degree in economics and finance from Babson College in Boston.