Future of audit: 5 accountants speak on transforming assertion-based testing

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Learn how AI improves your judgement of assertion risk Now is the most challenging time in history for auditors to conduct an effective audit. With increasing opportunities for fraud, new challenges presented by COVID-19, and stricter public scrutiny, it’s time to rethink the framework for how material misstatements are judged. Join this panel of expert … Read more

Using AI to assess financial risk in times of crisis

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With the thought of revenue losses, recession, and business survival on everyone’s minds, audit practices and finance organizations are redefining how they assess financial risk. By using the power of artificial intelligence and data analytics, we can improve our understanding of where risk occurs in the business and use financial data to identify critical trends in … Read more

Data-driven audit planning: The key to driving efficiency

Chances are, your firm has a standard approach to audit planning. And yet, despite proven and time-honored results, auditors are still tripped up on the unexpected. How can auditors embrace AI and data analytics to improve audit planning? It’s time to focus on finding risks rather than executing balance sheet procedures. Join Stuart Cobbe, ACA, … Read more

Welcoming the next generation of fraud prevention in local government

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Local governments today face a multitude of fraud risks. Widespread financial oversight challenges, a lack of investment and monitoring and the complexity brought about by COVID-19 has created the perfect storm for fraudulent activity. Join Shaye Thyer and Michael Bottala of MindBridge and Tim Muhlhausler of Galpins in unpacking these risks and exploring the powerful … Read more